International Speech Contest 2023-2024

If you are looking for inspiration, motivation and education in public speaking, you should definitely check out Toastmasters speech contests. One of the most prestigious and exciting contests is the International Speech Contest. Contestants deliver a speech that is original, engaging, persuasive and inspiring. The speech can be about any topic.

On November 16th, 2023, Cambridge Toastmasters held our club level International Speech Contest. It was a night full of amazing speeches, an enthusiastic audience and friendly atmosphere.

The contest chair, Robson Masungo, opened the event with a quote from Confucius that set the tone for the evening: "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."

Robson proceeded to review the formalities of the evening with the assistance of our Sergeant At Arms, Nelson Camara, as well as our Area T92 Director, Parveen Johal, who acted as the Chief Judge for the event.

He then introduced the six contestants, who each had five to seven minutes to deliver their speech.

Cambridge Toastmasters 2023-2023 International Speech Contest Chair and Contestants

From left to right: Contest Chair Robson Masungo and contestants: Piyush Nanda, Kevin Swayze, CJ Janzen, Brad Willey, Mackenzie Ferreira, Jing Li

The speeches were diverse and captivating, covering topics such as overcoming fear, finding happiness, embracing change, facing challenges and celebrating success. Each speaker brought their unique style, voice and message. They used stories, anecdotes, humour, metaphors and gestures to convey their ideas and emotions.

The audience was enthusiastic and supportive, showing support for every speaker with ample applause. The speeches were evaluated by the judges based on content, delivery and language.

After our contestants completed their excellent speeches, and before a short break, Robson had the opportunity to interview the six contestants, giving the audience an opportunity to get to know them better. The passion of the speakers continued to shine through.

After the break, the contest chair, along with club member and District 86 Director, Nancy Movrin, announced the results.

Third Place: Brad Willey

Second Place: CJ Janzen

First Place: Piyush Nanda

Piyush will represent Cambridge Toastmasters at the upcoming Area T92 contest, where he will have an opportunity to compete against representatives from the other five clubs that make up our area.

The contest ended with a round of applause for all the contestants, volunteers and organizers. It was a great learning experience for everyone involved. I left the event feeling energized and motivated to improve my own speaking skills.

A very big thank you and congratulations to all of our contestants and volunteers for their continued commitment to both their personal growth and the success of the club.

If you want to witness the power of public speaking and learn ways you can improve your own communication and leadership skills, I highly recommend you to attend a Cambridge Toastmasters club meeting. Guests are always welcome. You will not regret it!

Adam DeMille

Piyush Nanda receiving first place from Robson Masungo and Nancy Movrin

Piyush Nanda receiving first place from Robson Masungo and Nancy Movrin

CJ Janzen receiving second place from Robson Masungo and Nancy Movrin

CJ Janzen receiving second place from Robson Masungo and Nancy Movrin

Brad Willey receiving third place from Robson Masungo and Nancy Movrin

Brad Willey receiving third place from Robson Masungo and Nancy Movrin

Jing Li receiving participant's certificate from Robson Masungo

Jing Li receiving participant's certificate from Robson Masungo

Kevin Swayze receiving participant's certificate from Robson Masungo

Kevin Swayze receiving participant's certificate from Robson Masungo

Mackenzie Ferreira receiving participant's certificate from Robson Masungo

Mackenzie Ferreira receiving participant's certificate from Robson Masungo